
Expense Report

This Expense Form is for reimbursement of expenditures made for the the Houston Region SCCA.
Major categories include Solo, Club Race, Rally, General, and Newsletter. These major categories are broken into 56 line items.

The Expense Form is available in Excel or PDF format, and it is recommended that you use the Excel version since it calculates the totals for you.

Receipts are required for all reimbursements.

  • The Excel sheet is a template and will open an untitled document each time you select it.
  • The PDF form is not automated and is intended for those who wish to fill out the form by hand
  • All submittals should be made to the HOUSCCA Region Treasurer, unless a solo expense, in which case it is submitted to the Solo Treasurer.

Basic guide for filling out the form

  • This form has been locked so that you can only fill out the fields that are appropriate for submittal.
  • Start by filling out the date, your name and address at the top of the form.
  • Grayed out areas are not applicable to that category. For example, the newsletter has no reason to buy arm bands, so arms cannot be charged to the newsletter budget, and that square is grayed out.
  • The Remarks column, which appears as page 2 when printed, is further description of what the purchase is and why it was made. Note that the line items help you line up your description to the item you are asking reimbursement for.
  • Remember that most purchases should be Tax Free. However, if sales tax is paid, it should be broken out from your expenditures and entered on line item 27. If multiple instances, note breakdown in remarks for line item 27.
  • Once all of this is done, the excel sheet will automatically total the cumulative amount in the “Totals” line. If using PDF file, total the column above in the totals box at this time.
  • If you have been given a cash advance, place it in the advance or petty cash row at the bottom of the form. place it in the appropriate category. For example, if you were given $40 from the solo registration money, then you would place $40 in the solo column in the “advance or petty cash” line. Use of HOUSCCA Debit card is considered a cash advance.
  • The line “$ submitted to applicant” is automatically generated in the excel spread sheet. If using the PDF file, subtract the “Advance or Petty Cash” from the “Totals” and this is your “$ submitted to applicant”.
  • Once completed, submit your form, along with all receipts, to the HOUSCCA Region Treasurer, unless a solo expense, in which case it is submitted to the Solo Treasurer at

If you have any suggestions for additional downloads or forms that might be handy to add to this section, please feel free to email your suggestions to

HOUSCCA Expense Reimbursement Form

Made an approved expenditure for the club using your own money?

Download the Expense Form in either PDF or Excel format. The Excel form is recommended because it will calculate the total for you. 

All submittals should be made to the HOUSCCA Region Treasurer. If it is a Solo expense, in which case it is submitted to the Solo Treasurer.

Tax Free Expenditures

Need to make a Tax Free expenditure for the club?
Contact Randy Smart at for the proper form.